BDF 650 – BDF 650H

Plant and equipment for the dewatering of sludge from wastewater and industrial process centrifugal extractor.
- Ecology / Depuration
- Industrial
- Chemical / Petrolchemical
- Food Industry
- Zoo-technical
- Dewatering of sludge
- Used and renery oil recovery and extraction
- Liquid treatments
- Sludge treatment from food industries process
High Quality Materials
All parts of the centrifuge in contact with the product are made of Stainless Steel AISI 304 or 316L, except for the drum which is made of Duplex Stainless Steel to ensure mechanical resistance to abrasion and a strong chemical corrosion resistance.
The components of the centrifuge most exposed to the erosive action of the normal biological sludge are protected with a thick coating made of high Tungsten Carbide.
The exit holes of the dehydrated sludge are protected with ceramic material which has a very high surface hardness to provide a much higher durability of the centrifuge.
Hydraulic Sistem H
The centrifuge can be equipped with the automatic and continuous adjustment device of the differential speed of the internal screw which adapts the operation of the centrifuge to the actual immediate feeding conditions, in order to obtain maximum efficiency and the minimum consumption of polyelectrolyte and energy, compatible with the instantaneous load input.
The hydraulic system delivers high torque regardless of the required speed of rotation and brings our system to be one of the most performing today available on the market in obtaining high concentrations of SS on the dehydrated.